Sunday, December 18, 2011

more than words

hello readers ! harini aku agak bosan , bosan , bosan dan bosan . hmm , takdek ape nak buat . fb , twitter ? erghh boring . asyik buat mnde yg sme je . ajay ajak klua , nonton movie gitu . tapi enggak mau deyh . sabtu lepas baru je klua . takkan nak klua lagi kan . so , aku mintak die tunda plan die tu esok je . hee . can't wait .

hmm , i miss him so damn much . baru seminggu kot tak jumpe . hee . i miss to do a lots of things with him . 2 weeks left to spent time with him and all my friends . i will be away soon . hmm . nanti aku crite kat korang eh mne aku akan pergi .

our love bracelet
 bile pergi tc , ade je cenderamata yang kitorang bwk balik . haha . mcm jauh plak kan kitorg jalan jalan . padahal dlm kuantan jugak . hmm , i really miss all of this moments .

our love mug
haha . mcm mne ? mcm best je kan ? harganya mmg tak mahal pun . tapi , bracelet ngn mug ni sangat sangat bermakna bagi aku . :)

assalamualaikum :)

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